Senin, 05 November 2012

Benefits of using Pacifier cat fish waring/ nets

Usability catfish pond using Waring / net like the picture above:

Reduce the risk of cannibals on channel catfish

Easing the time sorting and Fish Harvest
Prevent losses due to fish catfish farmers will shrink because the catfish can be entered into the soil so that the dead
Safeguarding catfish fish from predators such as birds and Linsangs coax.

Jumat, 02 November 2012

Kutu air pakan alami Lele /CatFish Feed Water Naturally

Dear All

I want to share the water flea this picture is after larger image:

Water fleas are one of the natural feed for catfish seeds are enlarged pond, how to raise water fleas are: in ground pool or a tarp that has been filled with water was given fluids MP4 let stand for 7-10 days after which it will appear water fleas. then we include catfish seed

Thank you I hope thip tips usefull
